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  • Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/250
    Title: SUMMARY Delivering on every child’s right to basic skills
    Authors: Jack Rossiter, Caine Rolleston
    Rhiannon Moore, Martin Woodhead
    Keywords: Summarry Report
    Research report
    Issue Date: 2018
    Publisher: Young Lives Ethiopia
    Abstract: This document is a summary of the Young Lives Delivering on every child’s right to basic skills report on Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam.
    Description: This study highlights the scale of the problem through data from Young Lives as well as other major international studies showing that in recent years most children in low-income countries have been ‘off-track’ to acquire even the most basic skills. More optimistically, despite low material standards and weak social protection that are common across the Young Lives sample, it is proposed that all countries have the potential to deliver on a right to basic skills, for all children, given adequate resourcing, effective allocation and suitably. It is also summarized that Young Lives data on children’s achievement through to 12 years old, showing progress for some, but also alarmingly high numbers of children who were still unable to read a simple sentence, despite several years attending school.
    URI: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/250
    Appears in Collections:Summary Report

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