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  • Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/79
    Title: Learning Through Play 0-3 years
    Authors: Children Believe
    Keywords: ECCE book
    Supplementary materials
    Parent engagement
    Educational manual
    Publisher: Children Believe f(it was formerly called Christian Children’s fund of Canada)
    Abstract: to assist parents to use this calendar like material so as to help their children learn through play.
    Description: This material is designed as a calendar to be used by parents while nurturing their children. It emphasizes learning through play. Thus, different activities are designed to be fitted with the five stages of children’s development: sense of self, physical, relationships, understanding and communication.
    URI: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/79
    Appears in Collections:ECCE book, textbook, supplementary material

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