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  • Socio-Emotional Learning Material for Parents and Teachers
  • Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/568
    Title: Baro English
    Other Titles: PlayMatters
    Authors: PlayMatters
    Keywords: PlayMatters
    socio-emotional learning
    educational play
    Parental Engagement
    Issue Date: 2022
    Publisher: International Rescue Committee, PlayMatters Project
    Abstract: The purpose of the packet or the game manual is to guide parents and caregivers to paly with their children.
    Description: This packet offers learning games that children can play daily, independently, with siblings, or with other family members. Everyone such as sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents—can play with. This is a play manual that guides how to play with household items, such as shoes, sandals, cups, buckets, bottlecaps, plastic bottles, mats, rope, string, cloth, mat, flour sack, sheet, brooms, old tins, or anything that is available. Pieces of paper, dice or a ball (made of plastic bags, fabric, or banana leaves), pens or pencils, books, newspapers, exercise books, homework -anything with writing and items from around the yard - sticks, stones, leaves, mud, and water can also be used in the game. Family members can be involved in the games. The packet contains different shapes that matches circle represents movement, triangle represents creative, square represents cognitive, star represents language, trapezium represents number, and rhombus represents emotion. The packet contains 6 caregiver tips to effectively use it while creating a play or game. The packet contains 30 different games.
    URI: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/568
    Appears in Collections:Socio-Emotional Learning Material for Parents and Teachers

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