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  • Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/470
    Title: A Teaching Guideline for Teachers of Children Aged 4-5 years (Afan Oromo)
    Authors: Ethiopian School Readiness Initiatives
    Keywords: Manual guide
    training manual
    Issue Date: 2020
    Publisher: Ethiopian School Readiness Initiatives
    Abstract: The purpose of this teaching guide for children aged 4 to 5 years is to assist caregivers in gaining a basic grasp of the ECCE programs.
    Description: The goal of a teaching guideline for caregivers of children aged 4-5 years is to focus on five areas of early childhood development: physical development, facilitation of social development, language skills development, pre-numeracy skills, and allowing children to explore their environment. As a result, the guidebook was discovered to be a valuable resource for caretakers of preschool children.
    URI: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/470
    Appears in Collections:Manual / guide

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