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    DC FieldValueLanguage
    dc.contributor.authorAddis Ababa City Administration Mayor office-
    dc.descriptionThe program implementation manual is organized in five chapters. It begins with contextual background and rationale of preparing the Addis Ababa ECD initiative. Following that, the vision and desired outcomes of ECD programs are indicated. The program description that includes the key approaches such as parent coaching, community engagement, and responsive early childhood development services is covered in chapter three. In the fourth chapter the targets and key initiatives are elucidated. Governance, operational structure and accountability mechanisms of ECD programs are included in the last chapter.en_US
    dc.description.abstractThe objective of the guideline is to clarify stakeholder’s roles, responsibilities, governance, implementation and reporting arrangements. Furthermore, it will help to strengthen the coordinated delivery of ECD initiatives to ensure positive outcomes.en_US
    dc.description.sponsorshipAddis Ababa City Administration Mayor office (AACAMO) Physical address of the organization Amist Killoen_US
    dc.publisherAddis Ababa City Administration Mayor officeen_US
    dc.subjectManual guideen_US
    dc.subjectECD Programen_US
    dc.titleAddis Ababa ECD Program Management Guideline (PIG)en_US
    dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
    Appears in Collections:Manual / guide

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