A project is on going in Ethiopia to create a knowledge hub where resources on early child development and education ( ECCE) being used in the country are brought together. so that stakeholders and practioners can easily understand what is beng done by who. The project is being carried out by the ECD Measure of Nebraska University in collaboration with the Ethiopian School Readiness Initiative (ESRI), a local NGO, with financial support from the USAID. Professionals from Addis Ababa University and from the National Examination Assessment and Evaluation Agency are doing the field work with support from the national task force involving professionals from Ministries of Education and Health, UNICEF, World Bank, USAID-Ethiopia and Whizkids, a local NGO. After collection of some resources from various practitioners, a demonstration workshop of on ECDE resources in Ethiopia was held on Dec 01/2021 at capital Hotel, Addis Ababa. The aims were to raise awareness about the purpose of the hub, to demonstrate features of the hub and get feed back from stakeholder. 28 professionals representing 13 organizations attended the workshop.