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  • Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/570
    Title: Baro English_EP_17.mp3 16: Understanding an Individual’s Perspective
    Authors: PlayMatters
    Keywords: Locally produced material
    socio-emotional learning
    developing social skills
    Issue Date: 2022
    Publisher: International Rescue Committee, PlayMatters Project
    Abstract: The objective of the billboard was to assist youngsters in developing social skills for their personal development before entering formal schooling through their parents.
    Description: Mama Mago and her shop: People's Perspectives explores into the topic of individual preferences, especially with regard to children. Children in a shopping environment share their varied preferences in foods, such as bananas and mangoes, which sparks a conversation about the reasons behind these differences in preferences. When a child's health prevents him from eating a certain food, it can lead to a situation where different needs need to be understood. Through shared meals, conversation, and reflections on color preferences, the children learn that people’s perspectives and choices are shaped by their experiences. Poetry, rhymes, and listening conversations are used as the main methods in the session to understand and emphasize the inherent differences between individuals.
    URI: http://ecde.aau.edu.et/jspui/handle/123456789/570
    Appears in Collections:Locally produced material, aid

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