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    dc.descriptionThe baseline survey provides a framework on how the M&E and Learning System will be set up during start-up period, used during program implementation and reviewed. This baseline survey used quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the status of children 0 to 5 years, including the status and quality of early childhood care and development (ECCD) services in the programme areas. The survey collected data from five Kebeles in Siraro District (AlemtenaSirbo, BoyeAwarkasa, Damine Leman, Ropi 01 and RopiSinta). The total data set was 100 households, 8 pre-schools (‘zero classes’), 2 ECD centres, 8 primary 1 classes and 5 kebele leaders. Among children, the survey assessed self-awareness, counting, numeracy and literacy competencies of children currently in ECD facilities (127) and grade 1 (103).en_US
    dc.description.abstractThis baseline survey was designed to document the status of the programme indicators prior to starting interventions in the three programme countries – Ethiopia, Mozambique and Uganda.en_US
    dc.subjectResearch Reporten_US
    dc.subjectbaseline surveyen_US
    dc.titleCommunity Caring for Children program (CCCP) Baseline Surveyen_US
    dc.typeWorking Paperen_US
    Appears in Collections:Research report/ journal article, book/ proceeding chapter,

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